Wilton Land Conservation Trust
I originally had a few more trailed properties on this page. Then when I looked at what the town of Wilton claimed, I removed a few. By “claimed” I mean that Wilton the town claimed some of the land that the WLCT has listed on their site as their properties. Wilton infighting? No, not at all. Rather, this is another town with tight partnerships between the land trust and the town. Not to mention The Nature Conservancy and the state – as well as the Aspetuck Land Trust for good measure.
In other words, Wilton does this stuff right. The town has money and they protect a lot of land with that money. Then I, without a lot of money, hike their trails because it’s free and fun activity. We all win.
Wilton Land Conservation Trust
The Preserves and Hikes:
Harrison-Smith Preserve
The Gregg Preserve
Marble/Van Haelewyn-Richards Preserve
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

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