CTMQ Gets Comments
Every TV channel, website, magazine and blog does at least one year-end List at the end of the year. I never have before, but in an effort to take my mind off of Newtown without doing much heavy-lifting, I thought I’d put one together.
I get a lot of really, really great comments. I’m not talking about the complimentary ones, but rather the ones that provide personal histories, deeper understanding of whatever the page is about and stuff like that. Before moving onto my top comments, I have to point you to two pages in particular which have both become a gathering place for people close to the subject. I’ll call these my Honorable Mentions and you’ll enjoy the comments better than anything I wrote on the original pages.
But, as you’ll read, I have an affinity for completely random and oddball comments. And although I get a ton of ignorant comments from people who have no awareness of what website they are commenting on, there are few standouts in that category. You’ll see what I mean.
Honorable Mention 2: John Randall’s relatives from around the world gather on a page about on old house/restaurant in North Stonington.
Honorable Mention 1: Former tobacco field workers share personal stories on a page about the tobacco history museum in Windsor. Amazing stuff.
Field-workers, Goodrich Tobacco Farm, near Gildersleeve, Conn. (Source)
Most Adventurous Commenter Award
This is actually a bit of a hard category because some of the most interesting comments (but usually through emails) involve trespassing. One of my finalists does as well I suppose, but it’s not like you’re going to be caught. Killed maybe, but not caught. To the comments!
3. Shoshana on “Heroes’ (West Rock) Tunnel”
Submitted on 2012/08/12 at 6:29 pmThe tower you mention, also known as Air Tower (there’s actually a fan page for it on Facebook, set up by a friend of mine), does indeed ventilate the Heroes Tunnel–and one can actually go inside! You pull open a heavy door, climb up a metal ladder, and enter a circular room. The center of the room has a big grate, and a roaring sound from cars passing below can be heard, but there’s a good-sized walkway on the perimeter of the room. It’s worth checking out!
I can’t find the Facebook page and I do not condone doing this. The second nominee:
2. some guy on “What’s All This Shenipsit?”
Submitted on 2012/04/28 at 11:14 pmAt the Route 2 crossing, you can actually go under. There’s a stream that runs through a 5-foot pipe. You can walk all the way through.
Since no one knows what he’s talking about, the Shenipsit Trail crosses Route 2 in East Glastonbury. You can take the “official” loooooooong road walk around to a bridge, run across the highway (like I did), or, apparently go through a drainage pipe with Dark Hollow Brook. No thanks.
And the winner is…
1. Shirley Sutton on “Rocks, Caves & Dens”
Submitted on 2012/09/21 at 2:54 amIt is hard to imagine the truth of the story of Pahke’s Cave as the opening is so small. Since porcupines have found the cave makes a good den they have been here for years. My son and I dug down through more than two feet of poop and only then could we belly crawl in the entrance. Since the pp’s were in residence at the time, we did not continue on. From what we could see it did not appear to open up inside.
Congratulations, Shirley. I think.
Porcupine poop. (source)
Best Colloquial Commenter Award
3. Christine on “100th Museum Visit Celebration”
Submitted on 2012/05/11 at 10:43 amLol i look so cute!!!
That’s my niece who is an incredibly intelligent young woman. Yet still comments online like a ding dong. The second nominee is…
2. Thomas on “Hunger Striker’s Memorial”
Submitted on 2012/10/17 at 7:02 pmTo every one of you responding to this wed site. Please take the time to know and understand your history about(and in)the North of Ireland. You will inevitably come to an indisbutable and very terrible conclusion. Find the truth. Defending ones’ country against terrorist invaders, murderers, subjugative exploiters, and abject bigots, will not and can never be wrong. BRITS OUT NOW! TIOCFAIDH ‘AR LA’!!!!
P.S. They don’t belong in Ireland and they never have.
I still find it interesting that we have an IRA memorial in the south end of Hartford, no matter who’s right and who’s wrong. ‘AR LA’!!!!
Worthy comments, but the winner is…
1. Brenda on “Racist Mammy Dolls”
Submitted on 2012/11/26 at 9:23 pmI am an African American, who loves her old black mammy doll! I just found out that she is worth a pretty penny. “How you doing”!!!
Oh Wendy Williams, we all owe you a debt of gratitude.
Best Confused Commenter
Succinct Category
As any CTMQ reader or Twitter follower knows, I get my fair share of commenters who comment without noticing the site’s URL/purpose or the previous comments mocking such comments – let alone taking a minute to actually have read 3 words of the page upon which they feel the need to comment. It’s epidemic.
This award is for those fine folks who, to their credit, didn’t waste much of anyone’s time.
3. jwharper1 on “7. Roosa Master Diesel Fuel-Injection Pump”
Submitted on 2012/07/03 at 11:12 pm
I need a Roosa Master injection pump # DM 4629AL3239 which is for my White Model 2-155 Series 3 tractor.
Don’t we all? The next guy is searching for something specific as well:
2. Tom Marquette on “107. Lock Museum of America”
Submitted on 2012/01/02 at 5:39 am
I’m looking for a nieseen 612a.
thank you for your time.
That’s great, Tom. For the rest of you, that Lock Museum comment section is full of this kind of stuff.
But the winner in this category was easy to choose. Why? Because our friend Tina not only typed a confused AND succinct comment, she did so on the About/Home page which isn’t even about a museum. Hats off, Tina!
1. tina on “About”
Submitted on 2012/04/09 at 7:33 am
Is your museum handicapp accessible?
Again, remember that comment appears on my homepage. Not even a museum review page. I love you, Tina.
This is great design (source)
Best Confused Commenter Award
Mid-Length Category
I’ll be honest. I just wanted a few more of these so I made up another category. This first commenter is a teacher.
3. Chris Glavin on “11. Strong-Porter House”
Submitted on 2012/01/11 at 9:20 amHello,
I am trying to contact the manager of your field trip. If you can have them email me at their earliest convenience I would greatly appreciate it.
Sigh. Our second nominee is one of the many people who like to give out their phone number.
2. Deborah Forsyth on “Defunct 6: Farm Implement Museum”
Submitted on 2012/04/24 at 9:24 amihave a 1892 grain seperator made by the monarch flour company for sale would fit in pickup truck i live in brighton call XXX-475-9972
But the winner for best confused comment (mid-length) goes to someone who apparently almost recognized her mistake, yet went forward with it. For that, we salute you Dawn.
1. Dawn on “107. Lock Museum of America”
Submitted on 2012/05/15 at 10:02 amI am looking for an old, though not antique Chicago key (H2810) and thought perchance you could guide me in the right direction to find one. It’s for a gumball machine. Do you have any constructive comments? Thanks
I still don’t know if “Do you have any constructive comments?” is passive-aggressive or not. It plagues me.
Old Gumball Machine (source)
Best Confused Commenter Award
Longform category
Same idea, but here we reward those who took the time to fully develop a thought and type it out over paragraphs. In the time it took them to type, they could have, of course, noticed that they were not commenting on whatever page they thought they were on or at least googled the entity in question.
You have to realize also that many of these pages feature goofy pictures of my family. It boggles my mind, really and truly.
3. Patricia Senich on “Time Machine Toy and Hobby”
Submitted on 2012/12/10 at 4:16 pmA completely awesome experience at your Toy and Hobby Shop last Friday, December 5 with my daughter. I was looking into Lionel and/or American Flyer trains for my 7 year old mature grandson. Found more than expected.
I need to know if you are open Sundays at this time and exactly what hours are available so we can visit WHILE THE TRAINS ARE RUNNING. Thak you. Pat
Stop yelling at me. I do remember being a bit annoyed at the store’s website a few years ago, but this comment is from this month (December 2012) and, lookee lookee, Time Machine’s site answers her question rather clearly.
Up next, a comment that I waffled on including because the dairy doesn’t have a website and CTMQ is one of the few online sources for her regarding this dairy. But really… My page begins with an erectile dysfunction joke. Would you want to get goat’s milk for your 2-year-old from a place that makes such jokes on their website?
2. Anna on “M&K Dairy, Ladies of Levita Road”
Submitted on 2012/11/21 at 2:20 pmHello, M&K Dairy – Ladies of Levita Road
I’m looking to purchase goat milk, and someone had recommended you. How much do you sell a half gallon, or gallon for?
Is there a way that i could bring you containers and you sell it to me in those? My 2.5 year old was doing great on goat milk until we now no longer have the supply, therefore, I am looking at alternatives.
Please email back. Also, is your goat milk raw? (straight from the goat, or do you do any homogenization?)
Thank you,
Do people really drink raw goat’s milk? That’s so gross to me.
It was a difficult choice, but the winner for Best Confused Commenter, Long-form, comes to us from Philadelphia. Why? Because Ms. Farber is sure to let us know her academic credentials while allowing us to chuckle at her lack of reading comprehension.
1. Alice Farber on “28. Ballard Institute & Museum of Puppetry”
Submitted on 2012/05/22 at 11:41 amI visited your wonderful PUPPETRY museum years ago. There i bought a plastic finger puppet called PEEPERS. I want to buy a large quantity for my 1000 students. Last time i did this the owner of peepers gave me a huge discount. I would appreciate it if you would send me her phone number or website or email. THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP YOU CAN BE WITH THIS PROJECT.
Alice Farber, art teacher, art advocate , Philadelphia Pa.
What is it with you guys yelling at me? By the way, my page about that museum starts off with Metallica’s “Master of Puppets.”
Way to go Alice!
Mr. Peepers (source)
Crazy Commenter Award
Ok, listen. I’m NOT making fun of mentally ill people or even those who show an inclination that they might be. (If you’d like an example, you can read the comments on my Institute of Living Museum page. She’s a nice woman.)
No, these comments are just funny crazy.
Tray on “Satan’s Kingdom, New Hartford”
Submitted on 2012/09/30 at 9:15 pmI love the humor that you establish here. I was drawn to your website because my geological research led me to believe that there are mettalic resources in this district i.e.(gold). Please keep up the good work, but also, in order to further your goal, you should do the research and report the mineral wealth. I will be visiting soon, and will possibly help you in this endeavor.
That shi…’s Tray. He’s from Washington state, by the way. Our second nominee will probably be upset she didn’t win, but this is a tough competition.
jade on “Our Lady of Hartford Shrine”
Submitted on 2012/01/09 at 9:58 pmI’m here reading and searching for this article 11 years later because i question my insanity every day. I was there at colt park in 1999. I am Buddhist, I came there with my best friend and her family (they were Catholic). I knew what i saw and I realized that no one will believe me, but that camera man that was standing next to me, that captured what i have seen. I DID NOT see virgin mary on the tree, as everyone was looking at. I stood around looking at hundreds/thousands of people praying and pointing at the tree which stood in front of me. I had no interest, and walked away looking at the blue sky, taking a step back looking at the camera man that stood beside me. As he was recording everything thats going on, i suddenly spotted something from his camera. THe SUN. there was a shadow figure, and an open door and stairs. I looked away from the camera up into the sun with my naked eyes and couldn’t see anything but as soon as i looked back into the camera i saw it. It moved. and disappeared. I wish i can find that camera guy and most importantly the images that was captured on camera. On a different occasion, a few days after. I went there again and saw jesus on the bark of the tree. I searched online and saw that im not the only one BUT the most phenomenal event that happened, was when i walked down on to the hills of grasses where few were at, sitting and waiting for my friend. I saw what i would never forget. The angels, there were animals, flying across the blue sky in cloud formations, cross by and disappear within secs. I screamed and a few people 20 feet from me did so too.. I know this sounds crazy and no one would believe me but i did, i did indeed saw what i saw. I want to meet this Gordils person.
Well done, Jade, well done. But there can only be one winner, and for that, we turn to one “boby dush!” Congratulations.
boby dush on “Peter Greenwood Glass Blowing Studio”
Submitted on 2012/02/07 at 7:25 pmthis web site sucks balls it is abut some stuped head that likes making glass poop hair to
This came up when Googling “boby dush” (source)
Most Enlightening Comment Award
Believe it or not, this is not a sarcastic category. I’m very fortunate that I get some really great comments that add to and vastly improve upon my own pages. Again, there were many to choose from, but here are your nominees and winner…
Cathy Wilson on “Frog Rock (Cornwall Bridge)”
Submitted on 2012/09/27 at 11:58 pmThat was my mother in law that started that painting, Marge Wilson (along with some friends). I’d heard about it in the ’70?s and even then people were trying to find out its origin but nobody was talking. There was still an aire of ‘we might get in trouble’ that turned into “its fun hearing people ask about it and all the different made up stories”. Apparently when nobody accepted the ‘blame’ or ‘took credit’, others stepped up and decided to make up their own story about how they were the first to paint that Rock. Fortunately Mom was with others who are still alive and haven’t forgotten. Witnesses are always good. Well, as long as nobody’s getting hurt!
That comment is followed by other related comments which was followed by the author of the next “Connecticut Off the Beaten Path” contacting me to ask about contacting the original commenter and, well, that’s how these things work.
Our next nominee commented on my page about the mysterious Cadillac Joe’s mysterious house in Woodbury. She dispels much of the mystery.
dawne catuccio on Cadillac Joe’s Stone House
Submitted on 2012/06/15 at 5:36 pm5 ars ago my daughter danced at woodbury ballet they were doing the balet bram stokers dracula in the fall.i was their photographer and was looking for a place to take publicity shots with dancers and didnt want to use a common cemetary.i drove past this house every day and one morning saw the car there and went to ask permission to use house as backdrop for pics. i spent the whole morning talking to joe and he took me thru house and told me his plans i began to realize he is an ecenteric man who talent and vision.The back of the house has a beautiful running stream thru it.There are old cadallics in bottom floor vandalized by kids who go there at nite to drink.i have to admit there was a time were i thought omg nobody knows im here what if he is crazy hits me over head puts be in one of his old cars. thats from too much tv.he is a kind harmless man and told me he really didnt want that kind of publicity and would rather not let me use house.I felt privilaged that he spent time with me and respected his wishes. funny i drove by yesterday and the lady i was with asked about house so i was looking it up and came upon the site.
That’s another comment section that’s fun to read. But our award winner in this most prestigious category goes to someone who talked about Marilyn Monroe changing diapers.
Dianne Martiny Strong on “Canfield Corner Pharmacy”
Submitted on 2012/01/23 at 7:51 pmMy family bought the 1867 Canfield building in 1950. After my pharmacist father died in 1954, my mother, Vera Taylor Martiny, became a licensed pharmacist. Arthur Miller lived in nearly Roxbury and had been a customer in our store since we took it over. In June 1956 when he married his 2nd wife, Marilyn Monroe, she also became our customer (Roux hair bleach and the New York Times). Phenobarbitol was regularly prescribed by doctors in the 1950?s as a sleeping pill. As a barbiturate, it is a controlled drug. My mother wrote the label: 1/2 grain. She had beautiful handwriting. Vera was adamant that when Marilyn died in California of an overdose of Nembutal on Aug. 6, 1962, she did NOT die using prescriptions drugs from Canfields. We have many fond memories of Marilyn, having visited the Roxbury farmhouse. One of the red stools in front of the soda fountain has been christened “The Marilyn Monroe Stool.” Vera’s other 2 daughters, Mary and Ruth, are now the “pharma-sisters” who will fill your prescription. Marilyn changed Mary’s diaper in the store one day.
It’s driving me crazy that this woman sent me pictures of some personal Marilyn Monroe stuff she has but I cant find it anywhere. She lives in Guam now and after a few emails, I came to learn she’s a fascinating woman.
Here’s Marilyn in Roxbury, CT
Most Random Bit of Information Commenter Award
If you know me, you know I love this category. I get a kick out of commenters who regale us with the most arcane little facts – that are somehow relevant to the page at hand.
Peter on “Summer Brook Valley Farm Alpacas”
Submitted on 2012/10/23 at 10:25 amSheep ranchers in western states sometimes use alpacas and llamas to chase off coyotes which threaten their flocks. Guard dogs are cheaper, but they have shorter lifespans and sometimes eat the sheep themselves.
Well, there you go. Our second nominee goes the obscure familial relations route.
Cheryl Ferri on “The Oliver Cromwell”
Submitted on 2012/10/16 at 4:02 pmMy fifth great grand aunt’s husband John Hale was one of the first to served as a private on this ship.
I’ve no idea who my fifth great grand aunt is… Do you?
But my favorite is – and our winner in this category – provides us with perhaps the most random bit of information you’ll read all year. Note: the winner is no relation to me.
paul wood on “North Stonington (1)”
Submitted on 2012/10/04 at 3:16 amfor those who may be interested john [Randall]was the first person to shoot an emu he and only two others that were slaves were allowed to carry firer arms for the purpose of hunting for food after his time was up in 1792 he joined the police force for a short time
paul wood
Congratulations, Paul!
Before we get to our final – and most prestigious – award of the evening for Best Overall Comment of 2012, I wanted to acknowledge a few other commenters who received recognition earlier this evening for their contribution to CTMQ. Without commenters like these, this site would be nothing more than a hollow shell. So thank you!
Creepiest Topical Commenter goes to:
Submitted on 2012/12/08 at 11:32 amI live in Bethel and yes the “frog people” STORY is true. No they don’t look like frogs, they don’t really look abnormal. They are regular people, they just commit incests and are inbreeds. The family has tried to keep it a secret, but just about everyone in town knows what’s going on. It’s been happening for years.
If you’re curious, and you shouldn’t be, one of our state’s urban legends apparently rings a bit too true. (This comment appears on my page about our “Pygmy Village,” which is a rather excellent comment section in and of itself.) Anyway, the “Frog People of Bethel” are a “thing” we have. I never heard anything concrete about them until this comment.
A comment which coincided with a national news story about an incestuous father and daughter in Bethel who had a child together. (There are, believe it or not, even crazier porn movie and threesome angles as well.) I can only trust this commenter who claims the Frog People are somehow part of this whole incest in Bethel thing. And I really shouldn’t do this, but here is a video of the frog dad and the baby.
Call me crazy, but he does look like he has frog legs (that will hopefully rot in jail.) Moving on…
The award for Most Specific Random Comment For Which I Know The Specific Random Answer goes to Carlos:
Submitted on 2012/03/29 at 3:38 pmwhere is the [nation’s] largest serviceberry tree in glastonbury?
It’s weird he asked that on the nation’s largest black oak tree page rather than the actual serviceberry page, but whatever. I love that he cared. Seriously.
The last award given out earlier was to the Best Presumed Elderly Commenter. Again, please take this in the spirit intended. The winner here emailed me about this and I count her as a friend.
Rosemarie Guerrini on “7. Connecticut”
Submitted on 2012/01/22 at 6:29 pmI’m missing something…my memories…went blank after I typed over an hour.
This comment appears after another of her comments which, from what I can tell, were supposed to be on a completely different page.
The time has come… We’ve reached the end of our program and now it’s time to honor the one commenter who stood above the rest in 2012.
When this comment appeared in my log, I immediately sent it to my wife with the simple introduction, “My favorite comment ever.” And so, without further ado… your 2012 CTMQ Comment of the Year!
Kent on “Kent Falls”
Submitted on 2012/10/11 at 3:17 pmMy name is Kent Fall.
For some insight into my marriage, I want to let you know that Hoang found this comment as sublimely hilarious and wonderful as I do. In fact, it’s now over two months later and as I was trying to contact Kent Fall, we shared a lot of good-natured laughs about this comment all over again.
I tried to contact Kent Fall in his homeland of Sweden, but unfortunately the email address he left wasn’t legitimate.
It’s 2012 and we are all Kent Fall.

this web site sucks balls
Can’t wait for 2013. Thanks for such a great website… btw only bigelow hollow trails, highland trail, and naragansett trail when it reopens in april? to go and my ct400 mission will be complete!! So close… Anywho keep truckin.
I was just poking around the site and decided to read through these again. Please do this again for 2013…