Hellgate Road, Durham
The best part of driving to Hellgate Road is that you will be very near the best road name in the entire state. Hellgate is pretty darn cool, but that one’s cooler.

Yes, it IS a dead end. I swear. Dunh-dunh-dunnnnnh!
I have no idea why there is a Hellgate Road in Durham, Connecticut. But I do know that I love the fact that there is a Hellgate Road in Durham, Connecticut.
If you’re curious, the houses here are very nice houses with gigantic, manicured, expansive lawns. But that’s how it is, right? That’s how the Evil One lures you in – with promises of baubles and lawn car and three car garages. But then… but then your road is choked with the undead and you’re doomed to an eternal lake of fire.
Hellgate Road, everybody.


All things Satan in Connecticut
CTMQ’s Roads & Tunnels

Why Hellgate Rd. Any Idea why they call it that???