85 West Shepard Avenue
Hamden Land Conservation Trust
May 5, 2013
Haha! Tricked you again! This land is inaccessible too, but I did take a picture of the lovely house that stands sentry to the land. Land which, I’m sure, is beautiful and will be accessible someday in the future.
“This land is held in conservation easement by the Hamden Land Conservation Trust. The property is privately owned and the historic home is owner-occupied. The parcel consists of 2.53 acres of meadow, wetland, and trees”
Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.
Moving on, a short way up Shepard Avenue to Timberwood Trail.
Hamden Land Conservation Trust
CTMQ Hikes the HLCT properties

It’s good that it is inacessable. Nature does not exist solely for human enjoyment.
You are but a part of a much larger ecosystem.