Cornwall Conservation Trust
While gathering up information for this page and its list of trails, I noticed that there is a mountain in Cornwall called Bloody Mountain. Intrigued, I researched the name and found only one reference from about a hundred years ago: “Bloody Mountain got its name from a battle that did not take place here.”
Um. Thanks?
The above picture is directly from the CCT website. I don’t know about you, but if I was going to post pictures to attract people to my properties, I’d leave off the one with all the poison ivy. Maybe that’s just me.
Regardless, Cornwall is a beautiful and rugged town with some surviving old growth forest and scenic vistas and you all should check it out sometime.
The Preserves and Hikes:
Ballyhack Preserve
Cheryl Cadman Evans Preserve
Cooley Preserve
Day Preserve
Foote-Pope Preserve
Hart Farm Preserve
Rattlesnake Preserve
Red Mountain (Gallucci) Preserve (Potential future trail)
Trinity Preserve
Welles Preserve
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

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