East-West Trail
Bloomfield to Cornwall, ~60 miles
Began: June 2019
Note: This trail does not yet exist!
It won’t be the longest trail in the state and it won’t even be all new trail. But for whatever reason, I’ve been obsessed with CFPA’s proposed hypothetical East-West Trail since I first heard about it in 2010 or so. The idea is simple on the face of it: Connect the Metacomet (New England National Scenic Trail) to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. From Bloomfield to Cornwall. A few similarly obsessed friends and I have been meticulously following the trail’s progress and coming up with our own solutions to some of the trickier sections.

Proposed Trail
Avoiding roadwalks and private property are the main sticking points. I believe Aton Forest and the McLean Game Refuge are two of the biggest bugaboos. Here’s to hoping it all gets sorted out before I die. Until then, I’ve created this somewhat useless introduction page if only to satisfy my own curiosity and OCD. Together, we’ll update this page and build this trail online as information is forthcoming.
Section 1: Penwood State Park Yellow Trail to TBD, Bloomfield to TBD

I have been wondering about this trail for a while and I can not find much information on it other than the map you have provided. (CFPA also has a map.) However, I can not find any updates/plans/developments anywhere on their website.
Do you have any other resources or points-of-contact who can provide more information?