Friends of Shetucket River Valley
Franklin, Lisbon, Scotland, Sprague, Windham
You’ve got me.
I’ve never heard of this outfit either. But hey, they have done a bang up job of snapping up adjoining land parcels in Franklin and Sprague alone the Shetucket River and for that, they’ve made the hallowed pages of CTMQ.

Shetucket River. Their picture.
Well, also because those parcels are trailed I guess. I don’t really know what type of organization FoSRV is, but they do work hand in hand with my friends at Joshua’s Trust and others, so I’m lumping them in as a land trust.
Even though I’m pretty sure they’re not defined as such.
Whatever. They have trails in Franklin and Sprague and you can’t even find those towns on a map, so we’re not going to get all technical about what type of conservation organization they are.
Friends of Shetucket River Valley
The Preserves/Hikes:
If linked, I’ve hiked it.
Sprague Land Preserve and Robinson Property
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

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