Lebanon’s Town Trails
As of this writing, the town of Lebanon’s website promises to update their trails page. I’ve scoured elsewhere and I cannot find any trails other than something called Commons Hill which may or may not really exist anymore. So here’s a picture of a place nowhere near Lebanon, CT.

This is Mount Lebanon in Lebanon… the country.
I’m including a walk around the Lebanon Green because I believe it’s the largest green in Connecticut and because it is rimmed by so many museums and historic sites. It also has a sidewalk/walkway around the whole thing I think, so I deem it CTMQ-worthy, even though you own town’s green is not. Most likely.
My Lebanon Town Hikes:
Commons Hill
The Green
CTMQ’s Guide to Lebanon
Various maps of Lebanon
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails

Common Hills trail is there but you didn’t miss much. A muddy trail that follows a logging road, branches off and eventually comes out at the top with power lines. There’s also Hibbard Trail which is a nice forest walk with many nature kiosks and goes near a swamp. A surprising lack of hiking for such a big town. There is also Moween state park though.