I Can’t Beat the Original Pun
Over AndOver, Andover
The only reason this page exists is because the people responsible for this mish-mash used furniture and upcycling artisan store and hangout named their Andover store Over AndOver. It is not a store that sells anything I’m interested in and it’s not a hangout anywhere near my home.
But man oh man do I love the store’s name. I’m a pushover that way I guess – such a pushover that I stopped in one day while driving east on route 6, took pictures, and spoke with a woman working there. All the while knowing I had no intentions of purchasing anything.

It’s a “Hamilton” thing
Please note: Over AndOver is a great store for people interested in upcycled/used objects, quirky folk art, and interesting used furniture. They seem to have built a cool little hippie-ish community here with all sorts of events under their tents. Painting events, crafting, book clubs… probably some drum circles and alternative yoga sessions too.
Free idea: Host a Teen Night event and call it, “I’m So Over AndOver.” You’re welcome.
The Over AndOver Barntique is filled with tons of “eye candy” all made by local crafters. From flipped furniture, home decor, gifts and more, like pottery, soap, jewelry, cards, art and candles, you will find something dreamy.
“Flipped furniture.” I like that. I mean, I call it “used furniture,” but I’m boring that way. This is the kind of place where everyone is happy. The employee who was trying to help me during my visit was even super happy when I told her I was only stopping in because I loved the store’s name. She offered me some coffee. I politely declined because that would have just been selfish of me.
Wendy created Over AndOver in 2016 after finally coming to terms with her punch drunk love for making things pretty again. Like a chipmunk she is always packing her cheeks with paper, tile and wine corks for some “project” down the road. With a marketing and event background, she enjoys bringing people together to enjoy the little things.
Hm. I have no idea what she’s trying to say here. But I do know that she shouldn’t pack her cheeks with wine corks and tile. However, I also know that she found her soulmate and co-owner:
My husband Eric and I had been collecting “another man’s treasure” for years. Stopping on a dime at a flea market for that perfect piece (of crap) or going from 60 to 0 MPH to score that curb side find. Finally we asked ourselves, what the heck are we doing? What are we going to do with all of this? And then it was born, we created Over AndOver for the love repurposing, reusing and making people happy! Not only do we enjoy the craft, it’s the thrill of enabling furniture to live on and be beautiful again in another person’s home.
Yeah, see… Wendy and Eric are very different people from me and my wife. To us, crap is… crap. We both hate crap and do our best not to decorate our home with it. Of course, most people hate our personal minimalist style and we both understand that. Well, I do. Hoang often mutters to me, “I don’t understand who wouldn’t like clean and open space?” Wendy and Eric, that’s who.
And I’m sure their home is lovely. Over AndOver is lovely and as orderly as a store like this could ever be. I want to make sure all of you owners and fans of other quirky “flipped furniture” and folk art junk shops understand that I won’t be visiting your store… unless you somehow beat the name of this store.
The events they do here seem fun and like I’ve said, I’m sure everyone is super friendly and happy at them. The store has some neat stuff if you’re in the market for this type of thing. I’m sure many patrons visit over and over AndOver. It’s that type of place.
Over AndOver
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