Salem Land Trust
Salem, Connecticut. “The town with that roundabout? The one where the highway just ends? The one that’s not the one with the witches?” Yes, yes, yes. But it’s also the town with a bunch of preserved land with trails! Some of them a bit mysterious, and some of them a bit confusing! That’s our Salem, and it’s surely better than that other Salem, right?

Turtle Pond at The Walden Preserve
Right. I look forward to exploring our Salem’s woods and streams without the worry of witches and whatnot. The Trust helps out with the Richard Goodwin Trail in addition to their own trails, which bears mentioning if only because that’s one of those trails that no one quite understands.
The Preserves/Hikes:
Ahnert Preserve
Big Brook Gorge
Bingham Preserve
Darling Road Preserve
Salem Riverside Preserve
Smuggler’s Rock Preserve
Tatson’s Woods Preserve
Walden Preserve (Nature Conservancy land)
Zemko Sawmill Preserve
Salem Land Trust
CTMQ’s Guide to Salem
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

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