Low in the Pecking Order
Peckham Park Covered Bridge, Middlefield
December 2023
No, I didn’t see any crickets when I visited this small covered bridge. Nor did I hear any.
By “crickets” I mean… I’ve got nothin’. Just a few pictures of a 30-foot, relatively unattractive covered bridge right up next to Route 157 in Middlefield. Um, it crosses something called Doyle Brook apparently.
Never heard of Peckham Park? Well then, Middlefield has news for you:
The “Crown Jewel” of Middlefield. Peckham Park is located in the center of town, off of Strickland Road. This 26-plus acre park has baseball and soccer fields, a basketball court, a walking path, exercise stations, a skateboard park, a playground, a picnic area, and a pavilion. It is a very popular destination spot for many of Middlesex County. The Peckham Park Pavilion is available to rent for private parties and functions.
This bridge has been around since 1978. It serves absolutely no purpose… other than, I guess, allowing people to walk into the park from that main road versus the parking lot area. Except there are no sidewalks on 157 and only one house within shouting distance of this bridge.
This is a dumb little bridge and now I’m mad that by virtue of it being on my covered bridges list, I had to visit and write about it.
CTMQ’s Covered Bridges
CTMQ hikes Peckham Park

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