Here is a collection of news stories I’ve found over the years about SMS. Some are good, some are excellent. I urge you to take a few minute to watch and read them. Also note some of the commenters; particularly the ones who claim SMS is “cured” via “better parenting” or “a good pastor.” SMS is hard enough to deal with on a daily basis, but we parents have to put up with idiots like that all the time too.
If you’ve only 2 minutes right now, view this slide show of “Life with SMS.” It’s beautiful and really nails it.
So, take off your pants like Damian here watching TV, and click on the below. All the world could stand to be more like Damian sometimes.
Educational video – rather old, but a good start (The first couple minutes are rough and made me emotional; yes folks, cute little Damian has done all this and more.)
Nice long news story on an 11 year old with SMS
Part One – Overview
Part Two – Sleep issues
Mike, back to you.
There have been a few articles I’ve collected too:
ABC News story
British news story
A BBC story
Local CT story – very thorough
My friend Ryan Marshall write about SMS on HuffPo

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