Did the Wildowsky Eat Too Much Butterfatsky?
Wildowsky Dairy Farm, Lisbon
December 11, 2011
When I started putting together my “Other Great Homemade Ice Cream” list for this website, I figured every stop along the way would be delicious and wonderful. And, for the most part, that has certainly been the case. I mean, homemade ice cream can’t be bad, can it?
Heck, we even have an ice cream maker and have created some excellent ice cream in our own kitchen.
All this may be giving you the impression that Wildowsky’s offerings weren’t good. And that’s not fair – Damian and I both enjoyed their ice cream – but it’s just not in the top tier. But we’ll get to that in a second…
Wildowsky Dairy began in 1942 in Lisbon by Stanley and Doris Wildowsky. Together with their family of seven children, they processed and delivered milk door to door in Eastern Connecticut.
Now, almost 70 years later, their son and grandson, Stanley and Randy have started the tradition again! We are a 3rd generation dairy farm with a brand new processing plant. We produce a number of types of milk, all of which are hormone and antibiotic-free.
Our ice cream is made on the farm with fresh milk and cream from our cows. We have created our own unique mix that sets our product apart from other ice cream producers. We select all the ingredients that go into Wildowsky ice cream, and oversee each step involved in the process of creating a fantastic product.
Our butter is made from our cows’ cream, and Wildowsky Dairy is the only farmstead butter producer in the state of Connecticut.
Hm. I think I recall seeing butter at a few other dairy farms we’ve been to, but maybe not. Now that I’m thinking hard about it, yeah, maybe not. But that’s weird… it’s not like butter is hard to make. I think I’ve made it by accident at home a couple times.
Anyway, I appreciate their history and their claims, but there are dozens of other places that make ice cream the old fashioned way.
Damian and I stopped by after a random Saturday afternoon road trip to the Burnham-Hibbard House up in Hampton. Even though it was the middle of December, Damian was such a good boy at the museum that I asked him if he wanted a treat to reward his behavior. Of course he said yes, so we traveled down to Lisbon for some ice cream.
(Now, after writing that last paragraph I wondered to myself, “How many people ever spend a December Saturday with their 5-year-old going to old house museums in Hampton followed by ice cream in Lisbon?” I’m guessing zero.)
We arrived at the farm (it’s actually right off of I-395) and found the sales area. We were greeted by a – how do I put this politely – a very, very old woman behind the register who just sort of stared at us. I think 99% of December customers are locals stopping in for milk. I say this because two other farmy-looking men came in the very small showroom and everyone greeted each other by first name.
Not many come in looking for ice cream cones. Of course, they weren’t even offering cones or cups or scoops in December and I’m not sure they ever do, judging by the set-up. But Damian kept signing “Eat! Eat! Eeeeat!” so I was in trouble.
We selected a pint of blackberry and my mind raced trying to figure out how I was going to deny my child his promised treat. It was going to be a loooong ride back to West Hartford. Fortunately, one of the hardened looking customers gave me a spoon and some napkins and we were in business.
Once outside, Damian spotted the picnic table and started to sit down as if we were going to enjoy the ice cream sitting outside on a 25 degree day. That’s my boy. Mild tantrum and a few miles of warming up the pint in the car later, I spoon fed him a few bites on the highway and he was satisfied.
Wildowsky’s ice cream is super creamy and thick and flavorful. But there was something off about the blackberry flavor. They do use some artificial flavoring which is okay, but just not ideal for this type of thing from an independent farm in Lisbon. I’m sure their other flavors are better… but this one missed the mark for me. In fact, Hoang hated it noting it tasted like medicine.
I didn’t think it was that bad, but must point out that it’s still in our freezer untouched from that first day now six weeks later.
Wildowsky Dairy also sells beef and pork products from the farm as well as milk.
CTMQ’s Homemade Ice Cream Trail

Your comments about Wildowsky Dairy caught my attention. Their ice cream is rich,creamy and delicious. It’s reassuring to know that it is made entirely on their farm with milk and cream from their cows. They do not import milk from other farms or send it out to be processed. A very enjoyable part of visiting the farm store is talking with the older generation who love to relate entertaining and informative stories of the history of the dairy. The store is small and not fancy but that in no way diminishes the quality of their products. Although blackberry ice cream has natural extracts, perhaps you should have tried a more traditional flavor to form your opinion.Call me one of the loyal hardened customers.
I’ve been a consumer of Wildowsky Dairy products for some time now- since they opened their dairy in fact. As far as I know, they are the only producers of farmstead butter in CT and do a fine job making it. It is absolutely wonderful- sweet and creamy, as if I’d made it myself. It’s hard work by hand, I assure you.
They have so many flavors of farm made ice cream they could rival any other ice cream shop, and as an ice cream nut, I can vouch for the consistent flavor and quality of all their delicious offerings. Black raspberry happens to be one of my favorites, chocolate peanut butter swirl is another. Of course, their chocolate is luscious and I have to hide the containers when I bring them home because my family devours them as soon as they spy the familiar label.
In an age of big corporate farming, too many people between the farm and the consumer, Wildowsky’s Dairy provides the freshest milk and dairy products you can find outside of one other local dairy that specializes in raw milk. Wildowsky Dairy is a delightful asset to our community and a visit to the farm is worth the trip.
As far as the taste of their black raspberry ice cream, I consider myself somewhat of a critic because it is one of my favorite flavors. I assure you, it is delicious, nowhere near ‘medicinal’, sweet and creamy, just like it is supposed to be. Maybe your little one simply doesn’t like black raspberry ice cream.
Just moved to the area picked up some Wildowsky ice cream at Salem Prime Cuts. Have essentially given up on grocery store ice cream as it just never tastes real anymore. My family truly enjoys Wildowsky ice cream and we are working our way through the flavors. I guess the only thing I’d like to see changed is the fact that at least some of their flavors have HFCS and carrageenan. Love the fact that it is antibiotic and hormone free! Their ingredient list is far more favorable than the majority of other brands out there and we love the fact that we are supporting a local farm. All in all we’d call their ice cream deliciously addicting!
I am not appreciating the negative and sarcastic tone in your article, nor the back-handed comments like, “I can make that at home” and “I’m pretty sure other dairy farms in CT do that too” and “I think I’ve made it by accident at home a couple times” type comments, especially since those things aren’t speaking truth. i’ve made ice cream at home and it is hard work and making butter is along the same process only with more refinement. it’s not made by accident! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/234299/how-to-make-homemade-butter
Bashing our local businesses and local farms isn’t ok. These are real people who work hard and have bills to pay and mouths to feed, including that I think they have a little kid around a year old to feed.
I don’t know the Wildowsky’s but I’ve been doing research about them because everyone I have spoken to and every comment I have read has been saying that their ice cream is delicious, and that they are good people.
If you are going to have a website that writes articles about people’s livelihood, about our neighbors in our own small town areas, then you really need to be more considerate in how you speak and write, as well as being fair and honest.
Words have meanings. They don’t just get thrown around and land on blind eyes or deaf ears.
Everything you say and write, especially stuff that goes out into the internet has a large impact of people who have never had a conversation with you to know if you are an honorable person or a jerk, so the only way people can figure out your heart is by how you express yourself during the times they can actually experience your personality.
So far I am disappointed in your expressions because they aren’t honest, are sarcastic, and hypercritical, while you say things like you can do better, but you aren’t actually even a dairy farmer, so it isn’t right to say that just to be mean.
Goodness me!
I’ve re-read this dumb page now in late 2017. (It was written in 2012.) I expected it to be the meanest thing I’ve ever written. Simply because my son and I didn’t happen to enjoy one scoop of one particular flavor in the middle of winter 5 years ago…
Let me try again… anyone who buys ice cream on a freezing cold day in December is a bit loopy. (That would be me.) I pointed out that to my knowledge, this place is the only farm that makes and sells its own butter (in 2012). Saying, “it’s not like butter is hard to make. I think I’ve made it by accident at home a couple times – ” is making fun of me.
See, when making whipped cream, I’ve… oh never mind. Never did I say that I could “do better!” That’s a ridiculous notion.
How about this for all the Widowski fans – I will vow to revisit, on a warm summer day, with my whole family and revisit this page? We’ll get 4 different flavors and I will definitely buy some butter that of course I can’t make at home.
I appreciate the comments over the years – I would absolutely “defend” my favorite businesses and families as well!
Hey Steve,
I liked your blog here. I couldn’t find much anywhere else on the farm. Did you go back?
I was surprised to see your milk in ShopRite in Enfield. In 1955/1960 I lived on Hunters Ave in Taftville. We had milk delivered and I am thinking the farm was on Hunters Rd.. and the name Helen is coming to mind..? years ago my dad got me a 6 bottle milk carrier, he said it came from the farm..
I bought a half gallon of milk from Big Y a few days ago and this milk went bad really fast. It was chunky so bad I couldn’t even pour it out into the sink. The sell by date was 2/21/24. The refrigerator here is fine and did not spoil because of the temperature. I have a picture of the carton if needed.
I also had a bad experience with Wildowski’s milk, a bottle I had purchased at Mystic Market on Elm St. in West Mystic. It went bad 6 days before it’s use by date. I chalked it up to poor handling of the product by either the delivery system or the store.
Recently I wanted to try it again due to the emerging problem of dairy cows infected with Bird Flu virus. I bought a half gallon at Big Y in Mystic, the 1% milk. It tasted like 1/2 milk and 1/2 water which was stunningly strange. I next bought a full fat bottle and enjoyed it. This week I tried the 1% again and got the same result as earlier, or maybe a bit worse (thinner.)
I hope you will receive this feedback and let me know what is going on at the dairy to produce something so disappointing. Thanks for all the work you do.
I can assure all commenters that the owners and operators of Wildowski’s Farm have absolutely nothing to do with this random page written in 2012 and will never see your comments, LOL.