Super Stupor (Pt 2)
Super Duper Weenie
If you read a bunch of these Roadfood’s Best posts in succession, you may get the impression that I’m a bit snooty about my food and/or I think the Sterns of Roadfood are a little crazy. The truth lies somewhere in between…
I like french fries, but I’m not a fiend for them like some people I know. But I’ve had enough to know what’s good and what’s not.
So I was pretty excited to try Super Duper Weenie’s acclaimed fries. Says Roadfood:
You must get French fries. These are beautiful, fresh cut twigs of potato that are utterly fresh from the fry-basket and made extra-delicious by a perfect sprinkle of salt AND pepper.”
It’s as if their high regard is due, in part, to the addition of black pepper. Like it took an genius to come up with that. To their credit, SDW does make the fries super duper fresh and from local spuds. SDW says, “French fries? Yep, we have a contract with a local farm that grows specific potatoes just for us! Insuring the most fresh cut fry you ever tasted! You can see us cut ’em and taste for yourself!”

Behold, the famous fries
I was with Rob and Yvonne in Fairfield (both of whom also enjoy a good fry) and I’d just downed SDW’s honorably mentioned hot dog for the good of CTMQ. The dog was a little disappointing, so I grabbed a handful of fries with gusto.
Chew, chew, swallow.
Eh. I don’t get it. Neither did Rob or Yvonne. “I like Wendy’s fries better,” said Yvonne. “Five Brothers’ fries are infinitely superior,” said Rob. The fries were shoestring thin and while light and pleasantly seasoned, they were seriously not much better than what I can do with our little Fry Daddy Jr. in the kitchen.
These fries were ranked the best in New England and the second best in the entire country. I guess I’m missing something here.
Super Duper Weenie
CTMQ’s Best, Unique, & Historic Restaurants & Foods

Maybe Super Duper knew the Sterns were coming… You may need to start phoning in advance!
I think we need some more details about your fry rating system. Other than thin, light and pleasantly seasoned, you do not reveal much about the CTMQ French Fry Rating Matrix. Which fry qualities are included and the point system for each: crispness – 5 points; potatoe flavor – 10 points; saltiness – 3 points; color – 2 points; portion size – 8 points; oil quality – 6 points? Objective basis for comparison?
Good points, Dick.
But as you know, CTMQ rating is the most arbitrary system known to man… As for fries (unlike hotdogs and hamburgers), at least I know what I like. I like crispy outsides with soft insides. I like medium sized and good clean oil. I actually like McD’s fries to be honest, but I’m telling you, the fries at Five Guys are probably the best I’ve had.