Scantic River State Park
Enfield, Somers, East Windsor
Connecticut’s state forests are often parceled out over many acres in many towns. But our state parks are, for the most part, contiguous with themselves. If that makes sense. It probably doesn’t, but you know what I mean.
The Scantic River State Park is a bit unique in this regard. There are three distinct sections. Confusing matters, there seems to be some disagreement on the name(s) of these various places. I’ve seen Scantic River Linear Park used interchangeably with Scantic River State Park. The two Enfield parcels are known as Scitico, Hazardville, Powder Hollow, East, and or West.
There are also a million trails here; most are not blazed. There are probably 20 trailheads too. I can’t really hope to make perfect sense of any of this, but I’ll give it a go.
Scantic River State Park
- Hazardville/West Section, Enfield
Scitico/East Section, Enfield & Somers
East Windsor Section
DEEP’s Scantic River State Park Maps
State Parks & Forests

Hi, thanks for this insight as I have been gearing up to try to figure out the Scantic network of trails and it sounds like it isn’t just complicated in my head.