"Scenes From South End Avenue" South End Avenue Ice Pond Falls, Durham November 2023 A bottle of white, a bottle of red Perhaps a bottle of rose instead We'll get a table near the street In our old familiar place You and I, face to face Splashes of maple red, rushing water of white It all depends upon your … [Read more...]
Hopp Brook Falls
Hopp, Hopp Hopp Brook Falls, Bethany November 2022 Not to be confused with the much more famous Hop River in eastern Connecticut, Bethany's Hopp Brook has its own charms. And by charms I mean modestly impressive seasonal waterfalls. Yes, falls, plural. Not that you'd know there were two here, unless … [Read more...]
Horace B. Clark Woods
Trails Schmails New England Forestry Foundation's Horace B. Clark Woods, Hartland November 2022 I doubt very much that you are familiar with the New England Forestry Foundation. I sure as heck wasn't before embarking on my years-long effort to list every legitimate trail in Connecticut. The NEFF covers all of New … [Read more...]
NRLT: Manchester Field and Woods
Not in Manchester, Not in Roxbury Manchester Field and Woods, Union December 2021 None of the New Roxbury Land Trust properties are officially trailed. Look, I hear you. When did I start writing about untrailed and admittedly unexciting properties? The answer is... today. And I don't really have a good reason … [Read more...]
Hubble Tower
“I Can See The Whole Universe From Here!” Hubble Tower (Private), Burlington November 2018 I really wish I could remember how I found this thing. It would probably freak you out if I told you that I was staring at Google Maps satellite images one day for some reason and happened to find it in the woods of … [Read more...]
Granby’s 4 Other Waterfalls
Wild Granby Four Unnamed Falls, Granby This page describes what can best be called Lost Acres, Silver Street, Messenger, and MJ/Beach Brook Falls. Granby is home to one of the best waterfalls in the entire state. That would be Enders Falls and if you are any sort of waterfaller, you’ve probably been there. It is … [Read more...]
MLCT: Fairway Park
Not Fair Manchester Land Cons. Trust Trails (MLCT): Fairway Park 5-minute Bumble-Around, January 2017 I titled this page “Not Fair.” Why? Because busting on this MLCT property isn’t fair on my part. They do a great job all around the town of Manchester. I could give them the business regarding their website, … [Read more...]
Sherrill Mountain
Sherrill Mountain, 3,549 Feet October 6, 2014 ~6 miles solo from the Route 42 D.E.C. Lot at Shaft Road #31 on the Catskills 3500 List The time had come. My first Catskill bushwhack. There are bunch I must do to become a Catskill 35er, so I figured I should get going with them at some point. I’ve never been … [Read more...]
Easternmost Point in Connecticut
The Beast of the East Angle Bound q, Sterling August 4, 2012 [This directional extreme was visited in Dagobah-like humidity during the Connecticut Extreme Geo-Tour 2012 with the most excellent Tom from Twelve-Mile Circle and the equally excellent Scott from The Scenic Drive. The were the extremely generous winning … [Read more...]
NNL: Beckley Bog
National Natural Landmark: Beckley Bog Norfolk Designation Date: 1977 I do not hesitate when asked what my favorite area of Connecticut is. While I love many diverse parts of the state from Stonington’s downtown borough to Yale’s historic buildings and New Canaan’s modernist neighborhoods, the extreme northwest … [Read more...]