Berlin’s Town Trails
BURR-lin. Bur-LIN. I never get it right, but I’m hardly a native Nutmegger, so please forgive me. I’m pretty good with all the other localisms in the state though… I think. And even though my wife grew up in New Britain (or, “New Bri’in,” which I do get right) corrects me all the time, I still mess it up.
But I won’t mess up the town’s trails, I promise.
Or at least I’ll try.
Hey, did you know that LuAnn de Lesseps from the Real Housewives of New York was born and raised in Berlin? And her dad owned (and still owns, I think) a construction company based there?
When I fact checked that, I also learned that In 1993, she married Alexandre de Lesseps, becoming his fourth wife. They divorced in 2009 after his alleged affair with Ethiopian Princess Kemeria Abajobir Abajifar.
Rich people are funny.
My Berlin Town Hikes:
Beckley Quarry Conservation Area
Bicentennial Park
Hatchery Brook Conservation Area
Hungerford Nature Center Trails
Pistol Creek
Sage Park
Ragged Mountain
Timberlin Park
CTMQ’s Guide to Berlin
Various maps of Berlin
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails

I think you forgot Ragged Mountain in the list here. It’s on the Berlin Page that led me here:
But if you get here from the All trails page you might miss it.