A Real Juke Joint
New England Jukebox and Collectibles
This store closed in the fall of 2021 and reopened as Paul’s Boutique Records, which no longer has jukeboxes or pinball machines, and therefore is no longer CTMQ-worthy.
Longtime readers know by now that I have a rather loose definition of what a museum is. One of the hardest categories for me to define are places like this place. It’s a retail store… but man, it sure feels like a museum.
But I’m not calling it one. This, from a guy who slotted my post about “Gene Pitney ‘Stuff’” as one. Take it up with my PR flack. (Note: I don’t have a PR flack.)
I bring up the Gene Pitney page because at the end of that page, you’ll see a wonderful picture of my son with a well-preserved old Gene Pitney record. As in vinyl.
There aren’t too many places to buy such relics anymore and as you’ve probably guessed by now, New England Jukebox and Collectibles is one such place.
And cripes, if record stores aren’t museums already, they soon will be. But we’ll get to that in a minute, as records aren’t really this store’s calling card. Hint: take a look at the name of the place again.
Yes, this orderly cluttered store/showroom at the end of a little strip mall in Vernon that includes a store that only sells stuff to coin collectors. How does this store exist?!
I took the boys here after a day out and about doing what we do for the love of CTMQ. They were hesitant at first. But lo! What wonders awaited them upon entry!

$1300 bucksf for a 1952 jukebox. Not bad at all.
Specializing in vinyl records from the 40’s through the 80’s… Music related memorabilia… Turntables, speakers, antique radios & Hi-fi’s, & accessories.
Cool. Can’t wait!

Welcome to New England Jukebox and Collectibles! After all, that is right where a beautifully restored jukebox takes you… back to the car hop, back to dropping a dime in the jukebox, just to see the changing lights glow and to hear it belt out your favorite tune.
I’m not exactly sure what they were trying to say here, but who cares. Jukeboxes are cool. They go on about some of the other stuff they feature, but you get the point.
These guys don’t just sell this stuff – they also restore it. “Painting, Wood refinishing, veneering, electronic repair, chrome plating…”
The first floor showroom/store is a mélange of vintage pinball machines, jukeboxes, stereo equipment, old concert posters… and everything in between. It’s great. And really, now that I’m halfway through writing this, it should be a museum.
Shut up weird brain. It’s a store. Move along.
The store’s owner (I assume) was kind enough to turn on a pinball machine to let Calvin play. This was his first time ever with a game from my youth and he loved it. And I loved that he loved it.
Not enough to strap it onto my little Impreza and drive it home, but almost.
For his part, Damian was more into the jukeboxes. And there are plenty here. Some are real showpieces, too. I can’t imagine the market for jukeboxes and pinball machines is too huge, but it’s cool that there’s a place in Vernon to find both.
I poked around some old concert posters and really thought about purchasing some nice, vintage, stereo equipment. The owner was gracious and helpful without being pushy at all. He was super accommodating to Calvin’s wishes – even though I’m sure he knew I wasn’t going to buy a pinball machine.
We made our way downstairs to the record room and I was impressed with the catalog – and the cataloging. I found my Gene Pitney album straight away and began looking for some vintage punk and American roots music.
The selection for the former was rather lacking, but there was plenty of the latter. I plan on going to Jack White’s Third Man Records in Nashville this year – more with the ridiculous hope that Jack will be there than for any other reason. I’m rambling.

As you can see, there are all sorts of collectibles from a bygone era here. Records, electronic football, gas pumps… If they served burgers here it could be a TGI Friday’s from 1998.
Fortunately, it’s not. No one was wearing any flair.
New England Jukebox and Collectibles is certainly a unique and cool outpost in Vernon. I will return.

I have an old Seeburg i would like to sell
Vinyl Records for Sale : I live in Newington, Ct. phone 860-666-2892
Featuring the original trio, Durante, Clayton & Jackson. Guests Ethel Barrymore, Eddie Cantor, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Al Jolson, Peter Lawford, Helen Trouble and Sophie Tucker. Condition good
12 Songs
12 songs, including: Ramona, Chloe, Cocktails for two, condition good
12 songs, condition good
4. Four comedy routines, one routine is the first and original Two Thousand Year Old Man, 1960
condition good
Entire L.P. devoted to the two thousand year old man, 2013, condition good
Complete set of 7 long playing records, including program notes, condition excellent
Record 1- Richard Rogers side one, 7 songs, flip side, concert under the stars, 6 songs.
Record 2- Operettas 8 songs, flip side, concert under the stars, 6 songs.
Record 3- Serenade for a summer evening, 7songs, flip side, moods of Duke Ellington 7songs.
Record 4- Tchaikovsky, 10 songs, flip side, candle classics quite listening, 8 songs.
Record 5- Gershwin Gems, 7 songs, flip side Gershwin Suite 5 songs.
Record 6- Debussy at Dark, 6 songs, flip side midnight moods, Rachmaninoff, 8 songs.
Record 7- Serenades/Scintillating Leroy Anderson, 7 songs, flip side Evening with Stephen Foster, 7
8. Giants of Jazz – The Guitarist L.P. Time Life Records- Box Set, Program notes & Biographes, Condition
Performers: Django Reinhardt, Carl Kross, Lonie, Johnson, Dick Mc. Donough, Teddy Bunn, Bernard
Addison, Al Casey, Oscar Aleman, Eddie Lang, Eddie Durham, Carmen Mastren. Three L.P.
9. Readers Digest Box Set of 7 records titled Legandary Performers L. P. RCA Records Program Notes
Condition Excellent,
Record 1. Arthur Fielder and the Boston Pops, 7 songs.
Record 2. Bing Crosby, 7 songs.
Record 3. Kate Smith, 10 songs.
Record 4. Glenn Miller, 12 songs.
Record 5. Perry Como, 9 songs.
Record 6. Guy Lumbardo & his Royal Canedians, 11 songs.
Record 7. Mario Lanza, 11 songs.
10. Sixty Years of American Love Music, Album cover format, L.P., RCA Victor, LM6074, Condition
Performers: Enrico Caruso, Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra, The Ames Brothers, Harry Belafonte.
Twenty nine songs.
11. The Yale University Music Library (Benny Goodman’s papers are located). Never released recordings,
from Benny Goodman’s private collection, located at The Yale University Library. Double L.P. album
format. Condition Excellent.
Volume 3&4: Big Band in Europe Recording featuring: Jimmy Rushing (on vocals), Zoot Sims, Roland
Hanna, Shelly Mann, Martha Tilton (on vocals), Hank Jones and Mel Lewis.
12. The Yale University Music Library (Benny Goodman’s papers are located). Never released recordings
From Benny Goodman’s private collection, located at The Yale University Library. Double L.P. album
format. Condition Excellent.
Volume 5: Featuring: Bobby Hacket, Red Norvo, Flip Philllips and Bill Harris.
13. Bix Beiderbecke collection of 4 L.P. records in individual album covers. Quote from Louis
Armstrong on Bix Beiderbecke. “The best white trumpet player.”
Album 1. The unheard Bix Beiderebecke, Everlast Records
Album 2. The Bix Beoderebecle Story, Whiteman days Volume 3
Album 3. Bixology in a Mist, International JOKER Production
Album 4. Bix Berderbecke, 1924, Olympic Records
14. Luciano Pavarotti Collection 6 L.P. records in individual album covers. Condition Good
Album 1. Record 1. Bravo Pavarotti, L.P. recond, London Records
Album 2. Record 2. His American Operatic Triumps, London Records
Album 2. Record 1. Mattinata,L.P. London Records
Album 3. Record 1. Luciano L.P. London Records
Album 4. Record 1. Pavarotti’s Favorite Neapoliton Songs, London Records
Album 5. Record 1. Pavarotti’s Greatest Hits L.P. London Records
Album 6. Record 2. “ “ “ “ “ “
Album 7 Record 1. Pavarotti O Solo Mio, Selections never heard before 1979 L.P. London Records
15. Errol Garner Collection of 7 L. P. Albums, Condition Good
Record 1. The Greatest Garner, Atlantic Records 1227.
Record 2. Concert by the Sea, Columbia Records.
Record 3. Feeling is Believing, Mercury Records.
Record 4. Errol Garner, Soliloquy, Columbia Records.
Record 5. Errol Garner, Gemini, London Records.
Record 6. Errol Garner, Plays for Dancing, Columbia Records.
Record 7. Errol Garner, Encores, Columbia Records
16. Ella Fitzgerald Collection of 4 Records L.P., Condition Good
Record 1. The Best is yet to Come, Orchestra Nelson Riddle, MHS Records.
Record 2. Ella in London, Pablo Records.
Record 3 & 4 The Rogers and Hart Songbook, Two record set, Verve
17. The Boswell Sisters 1931 L.P. recording, Ace of Hearts Records, the condition of the record is good,
The record jacket has two small tears. Boswell Sisters preceded the popular Andrew Sisters.
18. Contempory recordings of orchestra/bands/ensemble, playing early to mid-twentieth century
Arrangements all L.P.’s were released in the late 1900s, all in Good Conditio
Record Album 1. The Louisiana Repertory Jazz ensemble, title: Alive and Well
Record Album 2. The Louisiana Repertory Jazz ensemble, title: Hot and Sweet
Record 3. Peruna Jazz Men, Orchestra, title: Smoke House Blues, Stomp off Records.
Records 4. The Temperance Seven, United Kingdom ensemble, title: The Rage of Radio, the Terror
Of Television, the Sensation of Society, L.P. condition of record Good, Jacover
Poor condition.
Record 5. The Temperance Seven, United Kingdom ensemble, title: The Temperance Seven
Family Album, (British conversation) introducing each song. Jacket and Record in
Excellent Condition.
Record 6. The Greatest of the Small Bands, Una Mae Carlisle (all female band) John Kirby, John
Hamilton, Al Casey, Slam Stewart, Zutty Singleton, Charlie Shavers, Buster Baily,
Russdell Procope, Billy Kyle and Benny Carter Bands. One L.P. Condition Excellent,
Jacket Cover Excellent, still in see through place cover.
Record 7. The Red Wing Blackbirds Ragtime Band, one L.P. Title; Two-Step Ball, record and jacket
cover, both in Good Condition.
Record 8. The Moonlight Broadcasters Band, one L.P. Title: Radio Nights Jacket and Record in
Good Condition
19. Benny Goodman, Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert two L.P’s. record and Jacket cover in Fair Condition
Along with this album is a magazine article describing the unusual things that occurred during the
20. Benny Goodman record album, One L.P. Title: The Rare B.G. Unique Collectors’ items with Benny
Goodman, Record and jacket cover in Excellent Condition
21. Benny Goodman, 1928-1929, Sunbeam Records Title: The Whoopee Makers, Record in Good
Condition, jacket cover fair due to some discoloration.
22. Mildred Baily Box set of 3 L.P’s. Title: Mildred Baily Her Greatest Performances, l929 to 1946. Box
Cover in poor condition, Records in Good Condition
23. Lena Horne & Dina Shore (NBC’s Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street, RCA Camden
records, Record in Good Condition, Jacket cover is in fair condition
24. Early twentieth century, , 12 inch circumference, 4, 78 player records RCA Victor & Opera
Society, recording on one side. (notice the unusual size of these 4, 78 player records)
All opera recordings, surprisingly in Good Condition for hundred year old records.
25. Early twentieth century, 78 player records, 9&3/4 inch circumerence, RCA Victor and Columbia
8 one sided recording, all opera recordings, surprisingly in Good Condition for 100 year old records.
10 two sides recording, all opera recordings, surprisingly Condition Good for 100 year old records.
26. Approximately 60 albums of Traditional Jazz, AKA Dixieland. I will not list these albums because
I understand they have little resale value today. I will only say the majority of these albums come
from 1950s brief revival that took place in San Francisco, by Lou Waters, Turk Murphy and Bob
i have a lost world pin ball machine needs some work new mother board got from steve before he passed 1971 rowe juke box with records and a arcade contra game if interested call 860 256 7333 john contra and juke box work great
I buy/sell/restore juke boxes. I will make house calls depending on location. I will restore your jukebox too! Cosmetic or electrical restoration
Mark 401-714-8102
I also have several restored Seeburgs from the 1950’s for sale
I have a Seaburg 100 MRA-3 Amp no sound
and the selector carriage wont move