Simsbury Land Trust Trails
I can point directly to the Simsbury Land Trust as the sole reason I decided one day to expand my hiking horizons past the CFPA trails. Heck, I can point to the exact date, time and place it happened. October 12, 2008, late morning on the Cathles Trail in northwest Simsbury. I can’t remember why, exactly, I decided to check out that trail on that day, but it was during two days of intense McLean Game Refuge hiking. and I was probably looking for a back way onto some of that property’s trails. I incorrectly assumed that the Cathles Trail/West Mountain Trails would connect me to the Game Refuge and provide me with a little connector trail to get to the “real” McLean trails.

Found along the Tulmeadow Farm Trail
But on that first, truncated little Cathles hike, I was blown away by some of the views east across the Farmington River Valley. I’d been on the ridges on the other side of the valley a billion times, but this was unique to me. The trail was well-marked, well-maintained and even a bit challenging. Later, I included a little bit about my tiny SLT experience in the McLean write-up. As a result, I received a nice note from the SLT and an offer to send me their Walk Book.
And now here we are, hiking every trail that every land trust in Connecticut maintains. Thanks, SLT!
The Preserves/Hikes:
Bog Walk
Glover Property
James Property
Ketchin Quarry
LaSalette Trail (with Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy)
Owen-Mortimer Trail
Rosedale Farm
Tanager Hill
Tulmeadow Farm & Woodlot
Wagner Woods & Hall farm
West Mountain, Cathles, and 60 Westledge
Simsbury Land Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page
CTMQ’s Guide to Simsbury

I should really check it out, my fiance wants to go hiking more.
Hi, I’m Max Burger. I’m in Troop 76 of Simsbury, and I am really interested in proposing my Eagle Scout Project to you folks at the Simsbury Land Trust. I need funding and approval for building 3 picnic tables at the end of the Owen Mortimer Property where Connor Barnett and David Melvin did their eagle projects. We will need to set up a time for me to present my project to your organization and I will also need assistance carrying the tables up the trail. I will need supervision with the building process of the tables themselves as well. Thank you very much.
I WILL NOT do my eagle project for the Simsbury Land Trust. I realized that organization really doesn’t need anything else to be done. I found somewhere else to do my eagle project.
Thanks, Max Burger.